On today's Your Call, we’ll talk about the new program that allows a limited path to employment for immigrant youth. It is being called the “Dream Act, lite.” Is this a step towards more comprehensive immigration reform? Or is it just an election-year strategy to win votes? Join us at 10am PST or post a comment here. What is the ongoing reality of undocumented people in the US today? It’s Your Call with Holly Kernan, and you.
Jose Arreola, outreach manager with Educators for Fair Consideration
Julianne Hing, reporter and blogger for Colorlines.com
Laura Lopez, student legal advocate with Educators for Fair Consideration
Educators for Fair Consideration
Colorlines: How Will Deferred Action for DREAMers Work? New Details Released
Colorlines: Advocates Launch Fund to Help DREAMers Pay $465 ‘Deferred Action’ Fee
Colorlines: DREAMers Welcome Obama’s Immigration Shift, But Pledge Caution
Slate: Long Lines of People Celebrate Obama’s Immigration Policy
Uprising Radio: Erick Huerta on Undocumented Youth Applying for “Deferred Action”
Marketplace: Secret Keeps Man on Margins of the Economy
Mobilize.org: Undocumented, but Not Alone
KALW Crosscurrents: Undocumented student activist wants public to wake up to the DREAM
Daily Kos: Record-level deportations continue under Obama Administration
International Business Times: Deferred Action Won't Go Far In Arizona: Gov. Jan Brewer Bans Illegal Immigrants From Public Benefits, IDs